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Criminal Lawyers in Glasgow

John Kilcoyne and company specialist criminal lawyers and its predecessors have been operating in the Scottish Courts and defending complex crime and often high profile cases for the last four decades.

Our objective is simple to provide the highest quality of service for every one of our clients, be they legally aided or privately funded. Our criminal lawyers fight forcefully to defend our clients against both the Police and Procurator Fiscal.

We prepare our cases excellently and leave no stone unturned in investigating our clients case. This ensures our clients have the best possible chance of a not guilty verdict.

From the outset we are proactive in gathering evidence to support your case. From simple road traffic cases to murder and the most complex fraud cases, we take preventative measures from the outset and assist you in every stage of proceedings.

Our solicitors and instructing Advocates work together to ensure cooperation, discussion and collaboration between you and your court team. We ensure every avenue is explored and all inadmissible evidence is challenged and evidence helpful to your case is properly disclosed.

We work with a network of leading legal experts including forensic accountants, medical experts, forensic scientists, accident reconstruction experts, and Advocates who can assist in thoroughly preparing your case and scruntising the prosecution case and increase your chances of success and preventing prosecutions.

We always go the extra mile for our clients. Our aim is to provide a first class service whether you are on legal aid or privately funded. We offer flexible payment structures and some of the most competitive private rates in Glasgow.

defence lawyers legal aid
John Kilcoyne and company specialist criminal lawyers undertake both legal aid and private work. For initial diagnostic interview with legal aid you will need a benefit letter, bank statement or a wage slip for legal aid purposes.
crime specialists
  • police stations
  • Police Station Representation
    Criminal Law Testimonials
  • To make an appointment with a specialist criminal lawyer.
    Call Us on 0141 423 1400
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