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What our clients have to say:-

Mr X Allegation of Sexual Abuse of Two children by Father at Contact Visit. Allegation made by Ex Wife.


I was in the middle of a very acrimonious contact dispute at court with my ex wife. I eventually obtained unsupervised contact to my two Sons. I met a new partner. I had a week long holiday contact visit arranged during the school holidays in my house in Glasgow. My sons were 4 and 6 years old at the time. My relationship with them was excellent. To my amazement after the week long visit my ex-wife said the boys told her they had been sexually assaulted by me. I knew the background was my ex was jealous of my new relationship and wished to punish me by not seeing my Sons. My wife told the civil court about the sexual abuse. I thought the allegations would have been dismissed out of hand as ridiculous. To my horror I was arrested and taken to court. I was recommended to Mr. John Kilcoyne. I was granted bail. My ex had taken my sons to the police to give statements that I had sexually assaulted them. I had to wait for another year until the case was brought to trial. It was the worst period of my life. I thought I was dreaming. It was explained to me the decision on whether I was guilty or innocent would be determined by 15 members of a Jury. I thought how can I explain my sons Mother has coached the boys into saying this. I was advised I faced a prison sentence and put on the Sex Offenders Register. I had no one to turn to and I had to put my faith in my lawyer John kilcoyne. I went through a 4 day trial and witnessed my sons and ex wife giving evidence through television link. I was extremely impressed by the way the case was conducted. Every small point counted. Mr John kilcoyne then explained every point to the jury in a very persuasive and comprehensive way. The jury went out and waiting for them to come back was nerve wracking. When the jury returned the not guilty verdict my nightmare was over. I will never get over it but I can move on with my life. All I can say if you find yourself in a similar nightmare situation and face a false allegation then I would recommend Mr John Kilcoyne.

Mr M Glasgow High Court charge of Rape

After a night out with a friend I met a girl he knew, we all went back to my flat. After sharing a bed and having consensual sex that night I was then accused of rape from sex the next morning. When I was accused I was left in a state of shock with no idea where to turn. I was extremely lucky to find the details of John Kilcoyne & co online. After contacting them they advised me to not discuss the details with anyone however in the event of being arrested to give their details to the police. I was arrested three days later at which point John Kilcoyne and co were again contacted, that very same day John Kilcoyne attended the police station and explained to me clearly the process of what lay ahead. The following day I was taken to court however no charges were made at that time. John reassured me and explained this may not be the end again advising me not to discuss with anyone else. Four months later I was rearrested over the same incident and this time was charged with rape and released on bail. Throughout the following 18 months before coming to trial I received excellent support and advice from John and his team including the assignment of an exemplary QC. From my initial appearance before the charging judge at which John Kilcoyne represented me, to the beginning of the trial I received the preparation and advice for what was ahead at the same time being made aware of the possible outcomes of this kind of trial. Almost 18 months from the initial night of the alleged incident I had my first day in court. After the trial lasting over a week I was acquitted with a majority not guilty verdict. I truly believe if I had not had the good sense and great fortune to contact John Kilcoyne & Co, I would not be here. Their support of me and their drive to leave no stone unturned was evident from the offset. I would urge anyone who finds themselves under similar circumstances to contact John Kilcoyne & Co Solicitors as a matter of urgency.

Mr. P Rape Glasgow High Court

quot;I was 17 years of age at the time. I finished work on a Saturday and as usual I went out with my friends for a drink. We usually go to the public park and spare ground to drink. I was familiar with my male friends who I had went to school with. Two girls I had known for a few months were present. Both girls started arguing and I went with one of the girls to console her. The thing moved on and we started kissing and eventually had sexual intercourse. I then went home and thought everything was fine. I was approached by the police a few weeks later and accused of rape. I could not believe what was happening. I did not think I needed a lawyer and simply told the police in the interview it was consensual sex. I then was given a date to attend court. I was recommended to go to John Kilcoyne & Company. I obtained bail and was told a Trial would take place within 12 months. The case was thoroughly prepared. One of the leading Counsel in the country represented me. I then fully appreciated the importance of having excellent legal representation when I witnessed the lawyers excellent cross examination skills and jury speech. I could tell the lawyer I had was far superior to the prosecution lawyer. The jury came back with a not proven verdict. I put the result down to the quality of Advocacy of my legal team. It made all the difference. I would recommend John Kilcoyne & Company to anyone."

Mr X.........Attempted Murder Glasgow High Court.

I had been married to my wife for over 20 years. My wife disclosed to me she had an affair and it was over. I reconciled ether my wife. I then started to receive silent phone calls. My wife then disclosed to me it was her ex lover who was making these calls.

She warned me about his violent disposition. I phoned him and told him to stay away. He then indicated to me he was coming round to the house to rip my head off. I was unsure if the threat was genuine. I then saw him approach my home. I was in a panic as my wife was at home and my daughter was due home. I told my wife to phone the police. I picked up a kitchen knife and went out to challenge him. I tried my best to scare him off. He attacked me despite the knife and a tussle ensued. At the end of it he had a stab wound in his stomach and was lying bleeding. It all happened so fast. The police came and I was arrested and charged with attempted murder. It was my worst nightmare. I appeared in court with the duty solicitor. I then knew I had to get the services of the right lawyer as it was such a serious charge. My daughter got a recommendation of Kilcoyne and co. I contacted Mr. Kilcoyne and the case was prepared meticulously thoroughly and every angle investigated. I plead self Defence. I was advised if I was found guilty I would receive a significant custodial sentence. I was terrified. I appeared at Glasgow High Court 11 months later and was advised the case was a 50/50 chance of acquittal. After a 5 day trial the Jury returned a Not Proven verdict. I think if chose any other lawyer the case may have went the other way. I was at the mercy of a jury 15 members of the public. The excellent advocacy in the case made all the difference.

Mr. S, Glasgow was charged with assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurement

ldquo;Mr. Kilcoyne has been my lawyer since 1999. I have got off with all trials that he has acted for me in. Most recently I was charged with assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurement and I was found not guilty by a unanimous verdict of the jury. He seems to always be a step ahead of the rest.”

Mr. B, Glasgow was charged with assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurement.
“I pleaded self defence. I am no saint but sounded like one when Mr. Kilcoyne spoke to the jury at the end of the case. I was found not guilty.”

Mr ..... Glasgow was charged with 2 sexual assaults.
"There was three witnesses against me and I had no witnesses myself. It was complete lies and I was having sleepless nights. This type of conviction would have ruined my entire life. Mr. Kilcoyne was very sympathetic towards me. He spent a number of consultations with me going through every little detail of the case. When that case went to trial I was delighted after the first day. He did such a professional job of exposing the lies. I knew then I had the best lawyer I could have hoped for. I was found not guilty and feel such a weight has been lifted. I would recommend Mr. Kilcoyne to anyone.”

Mr X, was charged with 2 attempted frauds and attempting to pervert the course of justice.

ldquo;My original lawyer told me to plead guilty as I could not get off. I transferred my case to Mr. Kilcoyne. When he read my file he told me that the prosecution had problems and I should go to trial. The trial lasted two days and I got off on all three charges on some legal point. I am delighted I contacted him.”

Miss..... Charged with supply of drugs.
“My first lawyer told me to plead guilty. He said I had no chance and would get about seven years at the High Court. I was not happy with that advice and transferred my case to John Kilcoyne & Co. They never told me that my case was hopeless. I went to trial and was found not guilty at the High Court in Glasgow. Delighted with the result.”

Glasgow Sheriff Court. Domestic Assault. Miss X
“My daughter was arrested for a domestic assault on her boyfriend on a night out in Glasgow City Centre on New Year's Eve. My Daughter who was 18 years of age was going on to further education and a criminal conviction would have grave consequences. I was recommended to Mr. John Kilcoyne . I did not know how my daughter could get away with this as she was heavily under the influence of alcohol, there was a number of witnesses and there was CCTV on George Square showing my daughter clearly assaulting her boyfriend.  I was delighted when eventually the case came to court. Although my daughter plead guilty Mr John Kilcoyne managed to persuade the Sheriff to impose an Absolute  Discharge . This meant my daughter did not have a criminal conviction recorded against her name. I was very impressed by Mr John Kilcoyne's persuasive skills in court in avoiding my daughter obtaining a criminal record. My daughter's future career was at stake and Mr John Kilcoyne delivered when it mattered most. This one stupid mistake my daughter made could have been on my daughter's criminal record for life and have affected her pursuing her chosen career. I would have no hesitation in recommending Mr. John Kilcoyne for the effort he put into the case and the excellent outcome.”

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John Kilcoyne and company specialist criminal lawyers undertake both legal aid and private work. For initial diagnostic interview with legal aid you will need a benefit letter, bank statement or a wage slip for legal aid purposes.
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